Fayandrians, let us help paint SL purple  

Posted by Anouk Lefavre in ,

Purple Day doesn't cost one red cent or one virtual linden. Instead you have the chance to show your support for the fight against cancer just by helping to turn SL purple.

On the first day of June, if you are going for a stroll with your sweetheart or if you are having a party with friends, wear a purple ribbon, toss on purple clothes, turn your house lavendar even - and yell out to the world that you support the fight in against cancer!

This idea came out of a Relay For Life meeting, where the subject was about giving support to those who are in the waiting stage in their fight against cancer, pointing out how hard anf scary that part is and how support from others helps so much.

When Jasmine, Zoie, Tari, Kat, Nikkie, Spaci, Jane - relay volunteers - started talking how in real life whole towns would turn purple to show support for the fight against cancer and thought it would be an awesome idea to do the same here in SL. Not everyone has money to give or even time to spend, but everyone can wear purple. Therefore, show your support and wear purple on June 1st. Help RFL make SL one colour and one World!

The Realm of Fayandria will turn pruple that day! A formal ball will take place and all guests are to wear purple. All proceeds will go to Relay for Life and all details will be advised closer to the date.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, 28 April 2009 at Tuesday, April 28, 2009 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .


Duhallow Quill

Founded by Lady Anouk Lefavre and Lord Buyaah Kazan under the auspices of HRH Emperor Jedediah and HRH Empress Fayandria, of the Fayandrian Empire.