Books were extremely rare during the Middle Ages. The few that existed were generally hand copies that monks or other writers made with much difficulty. Reading was truly reserved for the nobility as books were so limited.
The most common language for medieval works was Latin because the church was virtually the only educational institution. There were a few copies of works in Old English, German, and more but these languages were not consistent as writers wrote what they heard rather than follow grammatical rules.
During the Middle Ages, language was changed and improved. Capital letters were first employed and much of the grammatical syntax in use today first appeared.
In 1440, almost at the end of the Medieval Ages, the German Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press in Europe. Within a few decades, books and papers that had previously taken months or years to write by hand were copied within hours. This is one of the reasons why during the Renaissance there was more literature compared to the Middle Ages.
We have our own little Library in the heart of Duhallow, where one can find books about the History of the Realm of Fayandria. Do pay a visit to the library for it is a quiet and peaceful place where you can unwind and perhaps deepen your knowledge about the Realm of Fayandria social structure, or about the McDunnough Clan or even about Embersray.
May I also suggest a visit to the World Digital Library. It took four years to build and it is recently available to everyone in the World, since April 21st - the World Digital Library will make available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from cultures around the world, including manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, architectural drawings, and other significant cultural materials. The objectives of the World Digital Library are to promote international and inter-cultural understanding and awareness, provide resources to educators, expand non-English and non-Western content on the Internet, and to contribute to scholarly research.
Happy readings, my friends…
Purple Day doesn't cost one red cent or one virtual linden. Instead you have the chance to show your support for the fight against cancer just by helping to turn SL purple.
On the first day of June, if you are going for a stroll with your sweetheart or if you are having a party with friends, wear a purple ribbon, toss on purple clothes, turn your house lavendar even - and yell out to the world that you support the fight in against cancer!
This idea came out of a Relay For Life meeting, where the subject was about giving support to those who are in the waiting stage in their fight against cancer, pointing out how hard anf scary that part is and how support from others helps so much.
When Jasmine, Zoie, Tari, Kat, Nikkie, Spaci, Jane - relay volunteers - started talking how in real life whole towns would turn purple to show support for the fight against cancer and thought it would be an awesome idea to do the same here in SL. Not everyone has money to give or even time to spend, but everyone can wear purple. Therefore, show your support and wear purple on June 1st. Help RFL make SL one colour and one World!
The Realm of Fayandria will turn pruple that day! A formal ball will take place and all guests are to wear purple. All proceeds will go to Relay for Life and all details will be advised closer to the date.
The most popular gatherings in the Realm of Fayandria, these days, are the parties held at the Duhallow Inn!

According to Ladyheart Janick, the Events Planner, «The fancy dress dances every Tuesday at 3pm SLT are going really well, and the outfits people have been wearing are absolutely fantastic!! There is a different theme every week too and also a L$500 prize for the best costume. WyldChild Raven is our regular DJ now and she plays a great variety of music and also likes to play requests from our guests. The attendance has been great as well; therefore I believe a good time is had by all. We just need more people to keep coming along!!»

For the record Lady DiLuna has won the “Warriors and Wenches” and also the “Gipsy Campfire” themed parties. Princess Jaelle has won the best costume at the Easter celebration party.

Be sure to dress up under the next party’s theme and you are guaranteed to have a joyful time among friends and who knows you may even win the prize for displaying the fanciest outfit! See you all, next Tuesday 3pm at the Duhallow Inn…

Note of the Editor: the pictures were kindly provided by Ladyheart Janick.
Scepterd has a new family member.
Yes, it is indeed true as you have above read. Queen Emileigh and Queen Marilyn were so happy that they decided to share this special moment and take the opportunity to introduce their lovely daughter to us all.
Their RH Queens, along with Lady Anouk and I, organized a tea picnic in their castle gardens to surprise and cherish Princess Mookie.
Pink was the colour chosen to give atmosphere to the occasion. A white gazebo with pink drapes was used as the main area to set the blanket with the warm and tasteful tea, with delicious sweets, baking goods and cakes. Queen Emileigh baked her own especially for her sweet princess.Stories where told, particularly the one of how the princess and HRH met. All I can say is that it was "maternal love" at first sight! There was also "cow dance", a little bit of French conversation and of course quite a lot of sugar eating!
Princess Mookie’s friends attended the party (so adorable!), our own Lovely Princess Jaelle, as well as Lord Landscape, Lady Anouk, our healer Pandora , myself and some other Fayandria friends.
All the guests had a blast of time, laughing and chatting. The gathering lasted for two hours, but before everyone headed home, Queen Emileigh, along side with Princess Mookie shown us their new castle giving us a guided tour inside its walls and hallways.
It was a great day and an ideal time for this celebration
Welcome Princess Mookie to the family! Welcome to our hearts…

*SL Name: Anuchis Dibou
* Title: Lady of Fayandria, Lady Dragon Rose Estate in Inis Airdrie. Council Member, Ambassador of Fayandria and Princess of Westenguard-
*RL age: Hey, you should not ask that to a lady! *smiles* 34
*Rez day: 11/23/2006
*SL Occupation & Hobbies: Builder, owner of "Ye olde Kitchen shoppe", spend time with my friends, Triskele’s Sunday socials, Fayandria Inn socials, sparing and have a good RP.
* Favourite book: uff lots of them… I don’t have one in particular… But if I have to mention one it will be Little Women *smiles*
* Favourite movie: Braveheart.
*Best moment in SL: Humm… I have quite a lot of them… For me each day is a memorable day. Each day has its surprises… so I have to say that don’t have one, so far.
DQ: What brought you to Fayandria?
AD: I was once lived in a land called Triskele. There I spent my days learning about the RP world and at the same time building my future and my home. But with time Triskele, my home land disappeared.
With the fall of Triskele I moved to Eternia., where i first met Lord Nax Satereau and Lord Landscape Rosca. Lord Nax kindly asked me to lead the dragons, to help him and I tried hard to do so. I believe I didn’t fail him. But unfortunately I had to move again due to strange things happening in the realm and I wasn’t feeling comfortable anymore. So I decided to move on and followed my old friends from triskele to a place called Sylvhara. There I still have my old friends, I have learned how to fight and also I managed the tavern. With time Lord Landscape invited me come to Fayandria. And ever since that day I decided this would be my home. I fell in love with the people and the place. I felt so welcome and trusted by Their Majesties and their people that I decided I should to live and die in Fayandria. My home.
DQ: Tell us a bit about your background, Dragoness…
AD: The story I’m about to tell, you won’t find it anywhere. It is a story of another world, filled with love and despair. Let me start at the beginning.
Once there was once a child who was an apprentice to the Land Master’s cook. One day, she returned from market to find her master was very ill. At the age of ten years, parents long gone and her sick master, she feared her life would end in sadness.
When the Land Master found out his cook was sick, he took in the girl and teached her how to read and write. He gave her the same education as his daughter. He wanted her to be a lady in this world. Although she was becoming a very intelligent, graceful lady, she felt very sad. Although she had everything, something was missing. She felt somehow different…
For her whole life, she believed to be just an ordinary human being. She lived her life enjoying every second, travelling around the world, meeting people from different cultures and kingdoms. She had an ordinary name and an almost ordinary life.
But one day, she learnt she belonged somewhere else… She discovered her real legacy… She learnt that she was half fae. But not only that… She found out that she was able to transform herself into a dragon - something she thought it was impossible. But this was the power she had within her.
She learnt about this from her Land master, the one who gave her the education and knowledge. He told her that he did this to prepare her to her future, and to save her. While she was a young dragon whose mother hid her from hunters by changing her to human form, he found her during a hunting.
In despair to learn the truth about her story - the one that runs in her blood, her legacy, her name, her family… She decided to leave the place she used to call home and embrace a journey in the pursuit for the truth and answers to all her questions and doubts.
For years she wandered from realm to realm. She eventually settled in Triskele her home for a while, where she found friends and joined the Rangers guild. While she was there, the dragon within emerged and through the dragon religion of Thurbanism she finally discovered her true identity.
With the fall of Triskele, she has moved on to Sylvhara where she was also asked to lead the dragons at Cristalina.
Time pass and she didn’t feel comfortable and loved in Eternia. When the Crystal Dragons King had left that realm behind she decided to follow him. She now lives in a place to call home in Fayandria, even though she still has a greater goal to achieve: that is to learn about her nature and evolution as a powerful dragon.
She recently learnt about a living bother: Harkon Benoir, king of Westenguard…
DQ: You were recently held captive by a demon… Tell us about that ordeal and how you managed to overcome such an experience.
AD: As any extreme situation… I felt fear and terror. I didn’t know what was going to happen to me… I spent my days in a dark place, where only my loneliness and I spent time together. I only survived and, I know from other similar situations, because I kept thinking of my friends and the urge of returning alive to them. I also thought of the love I might find someday… I thought of the green fields of my land and my home. I only tried to find refuge in positive thoughts… That was what kept me alive…
DQ: What do you want to achieve as Queen’s Counsel and as Ambassador to Scepterd?
AD: I only have positive goals in both positions: to increase the friendship ties and to keep unity alive, to bring new life to the Realm and represent our Queen’s Heart all over the kingdom and what Fayandria represents to us all.
As for my work? Bring ideas, work in team, build a creative environment and try to guide those who need help.

DQ: If you had one wish for The Realm of Fayandria… What would it be?
AD: Humm.. a wish. Well, I have so many… And Fayandria is always in my dreams as well as Sylvhara. But I will have to say that my wish for Fayandria and its people is to still find peace and harmony. We are known as a peaceful land and I would not like to see that fade away. To myself, I call Fayandria "the joyful land"… We are always with a smile and having fun. I would not like to see sad or worried faces in the people I learn to love and admire. Therefore, my wish will be "Peace".
Princess Jaelle has contacted dragon fever. She will become out worldly looking a dragon – permanently - if an antidote is not administered soon enough. The sage that has been contacted didn't have the formula nor the plant to make it.
The plant urgently needed is called Dragons Bane and it is a gold leafy plant that grows among rocks.
We urge all Fayandrians, Citizens of this Realm to rise to this call and search out this plant! If you find it, please contact Lord Stormbirdvon Shepherd. Their Royal Majesties will show their deepest gratitude to anyone who finds such plant.
According to Christian mythology, the Holy Grail was the dish, plate, or cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper, said to possess miraculous powers.
Belief in the Grail and interest in its potential whereabouts have never ceased. Ownership has been attributed to various groups including the Knights Templar.

The place where the Grail was found shall not be revealed to avoid further turmoil. . In order to protect its grand powers, our Seraphim has placed it in the chapel of Vox Angeli Dun, before a better and safer place is found to keep it.

All the Fayandrians must face the great responsibility of keeping and guarding the Grail… Lord Landscape awaits for voluntaries who whish to guard it. It shall be done in shifts for it should never be left unattended…
After a fierce battle with the vicious vampires who kept Lady Anuchis captive for so many days, the brave warriors of the Realm of Fayandria along side with their allies, Queen Emileigh and Queen Marilyn, were able to bring Lady Anuchis back home. Long live our courageous warriors who defeated evil once again!

When Lord Landscape Rosca finally reached the dark cell of the Vampire Castle's dungeon, where Lady Anuchis was held captive, he took her into his arms and carried her outside for her to take her first breath of liberty… She was weak and bruised but contented to see the light of day…
Lady Anuchis Dibou has already shown her appreciation through a scroll she sent to all citizens and friends of our Realm, «I want to thank all of those who participated in my rescue. You all fought with your hearts and showed what Fayandrians are capable of…»
All Fayandrians appreciate the gallantry revealed by Lord Landscape Rosca, Queen Emileigh Starbrook, Queen Marilyn Breguet, Lady Lea Kas, Lady DiLunaVa Mai, Lord ArthurPendragon Alecto, Lady Pandora Fireguard and Lord Trav Wachter.

Welcome back Lady Anuchis… We are all happy and relieved to have you back home safe and sound.
But first, I would like to remind you to visit our lovely Realm, its surroundings and of course the market, in the heart of Duhallow. There you will find nice clothing and well build weapons, among many other goods to purchase.
If you would want to suggest places you have visited, please feel free to send me the landmark and I will post it the month after.
In the meantime, Happy Easter to all and happy travelling!
Kouse's Sanctum – Gowns and Jewellery, in Avilion Vale (69, 64, 40)
*Gentlemen:, in Lida (182, 108, 62)
*Ladies & Gentlemen:
!!Husky GFX!! Alaska Husky City, in Malkine (26, 23, 21)
A Touch of Ire, in Cork (142, 167, 28)
Isle of Wyrms - Marketplace, Limbo (47, 157, 28)
*Weapons (SF /AZ) & Armours:
The Armour Stall - For Armour, J, in Shiitake (235, 239, 138)
Cheese HQ and JTL Designs Mainstore, in Shiitake (221, 74, 140)
*Places to visit:
*CHAKRYN FOREST*, in Chakryn (101, 93, 24)
On the glorious afternoon of the sixth day of April, Lord Nax Satureau, Lord Landscape Rosca and Lord Buyaah Kazan were appointed Royal Ministers to the Crown of The Realm of Fayandria.
Immediately after, Lord Nax and Lord Landscape knighted Lord ArthurPendragon Alecto, Lady DiLunaVa Mai, Lady Kerus Kasei and Lady Lea Kas as their first act as Ministers.
The ceremonies took place the Throne Room where friends and citizens showed their support and appreciation for the addressees of such significant nominations.
Following the ceremonies, Lord Nax invited everyone present to a formal ball in his splendid Castle, in Seanrath.
Note of the Editor: the pictures were kindly provided by Lady Ladyheart Janick.
Princess Jaelle has asked The Duhallow Quill to publish the following statement:
Before you attack child avatars with your ignorance... perhaps you should know a few facts.
1. Child avatars ARE NOT ILLEGAL. What is illegal are those who do bad stuff on child avatars. (BAD) meaning anything that is indecent, R rated stuff. You know.
2. Most Child avatars are just people who are happy to play around being silly and having fun being a kid again.. It's fun you should try it !
3. When you see a child avatar if your thoughts go to something dirty.. perhaps you should seek psychological evaluation.. as when I see a child avatar I think cute! not that they are doing something vile.
4. We all Roleplay here in SL .. if you are a neko, or furry or just a person I assume you are not identical to your RL self. Judge not for fear of being judged my friend..
Having said that here are a few facts to educate yourself so you don't go around insulting others, being reported for harassment or just generally looking like an ass.
Linden Labs quotes and direct links
"There's nothing objectionable nor illegal in having a child-like avatar in itself and we must assume innocence until proof of the contrary." - Lewis PR Linden
Linden Labs: Please note it does not violate this policy merely to have a child-like avatar. It is not our intent to banish child-like avatars in and of themselves.
Peace and love my friends!
My friend Marianne Mccann shared those links with me. She is amazingly knowledgeable!! Thanks Marianne!
The Duhallow Inn will hold a dance party every Tuesday at 3pm SLT. Each week’s dance will have a theme and since it’s almost Easter you better be dressed accordingly to the season for there will be a L$500 prize for the best costume. The DJ will be WyldChild Raven who will entertain the guests with the best music.
If you need further information, contact Lady Ladyheart Janick.
Dearest Reader,
Every week, the DQ publishes a citation from Angels brought to us by Lord Landscape Rosca, our Seraphim. Please find below February’s citations from Angels for it is never excessive to remember such wise sentences.
2nd March 2009
The honour must be a spur for the virtue, and not a stirrup for the pride.
Charles Cahier
9th March 2009
I have a deep respect of the birthdays' dates. These gates that the Time lays out around us to open one moment our hearts with its mysteries, and allow the past to travel towards us.
Yves Duteil
16th March 2009
It is necessary to judge the feelings by acts more than by words.
Georges Sand
23rd March 2009
The speed is sublime, and the slowness is majestic.
30th March 2009
The only happiness we have is the happiness we give.
Edouard Pailleron
Duhallow Quill
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