*SL Name: Nax Sautereau
*Title: Lord of The Crystals, Dragon Lord of the Realm of Fayandria, Royal Minister
*RL Age: 46
*Rez Day: May 29th 2007
*SL Occupation & Hobbies: When I started in sl I worked as a bartender, then host at a beach club called Popeye's. Then I was hired as host at Frank's Jazz Club, and there I was Host Manager and General Manager.
When I found out medieval RP in SL, I "retired" and for a few months I spent all my time in Avilion. There I learned how to fight among many other things. It was also there that I met Fae Lilica and we became very close and good friends. Many adventures we had together… For my victories and services done to the Realm, I was Knighted.
Unfortunately, nowadays I do not have as much time to spend with my friends in SL. But when I do, I like to dance, to talk, to build and to practise spar. Exploring is something I used to do a lot but not so much these days.
*Favourite Book: I like fiction and adventures books, as well as those that take romanticize parts of history. It may sound a bit common, but I have just finished reading Tolkien again, the three books of The Lord of The Rings...
*Favourite Movie: I like movies very much, I don't have a favourite one. This past week I saw Gran Torino and Who wants to be a millionaire. I liked both, but Gran Torino better.
*Best moment in SL: I can remember of many. The first job I had, the promotions, when I got to General Manager of Frank's Jazz Club. The victories I had in Avilion, that was my medieval "RP" school, especially when I was Knighted. The true friendship shown by some of the people I met here, as our Seraphim Landscape Rosca. Some very very special moments spent with Lilica, The Fae of My Heart. But those I'll keep to myself and her to remember *grins* The foundation of Crystal Blades was a very special moment as well.
DQ: What brought you to The Realm of Fayandria?
NS: I had, as I said, many victories, but also many defeats. One of them was when I lost Crystal Blades, and was again wondering throughout sl to find a place to live. I was then told by a great dragon, my grand father, about the Realm, and that it was his last egg that was protected by the McDunnough Clan. He told me then to come and give my loyalty to The King and Queen, and to protect them and the egg, until it is time for it to hatch.
DQ: Tell us a bit about Crystal Blades… It’s foundation and who helped you creating it.
NS: Crystal Blades was a dream that came true. I am that kind of person that, if doesn't have a challenge, looses interest on things.
After I was knighted at Avilion, my "career" seemed to be finishing there. I was looking for a place to build a castle, and when I found the land, I decided to get the full Sim.
Lili and I partnered on that, the Sim was called Cristalina, and the story of Crystal Blades began. I had the help of two great builders and friends, Altopia Jewel and Lupus Hirano, Fae and Elf, and some other friends helped a lot, too. My idea at that time was to have my Knight House, loyal to Avilion, at this Sim. But the Lord and Lady of The Mist took this in a wrong way, thinking I was actually trying to drive people from their realm to create mine. Consequently, I was treated as a traitor and had my titles ripped.
That was sad, but I decided to work for me, not for them anymore, especially because I found out none of all the hard work and time I gave them was rewarded as it should.
But Crystal Blades grew. I was respected as man and Knight, and was offered alliance by some other realms, and Crystal Blades Warrior’s House began to make history.
It went so well, that I was offered to move and so Cristalina became Antique Cristalina, neighbour to Antique Mystique, that was Altopia's Sim. We did a lot of rebuilding and then Cristalina had 2 Sims.
Altopia had to leave SL, I was "left alone" to manage everything. A little while later, King Rab Spiteler, from Eternia, offered me to join his lands. The offer was good, the project was nice. We would be a separate country linked by sea - open space sim with water only. We moved again. Rebuilt again, this time, I sort of did it all myself, with some help of friends, but the main building was done alone. A very special one is Ludmilla Rogozarsky, Queen of The Crystal Merrows.
Unfortunately that did not go well as King Rab was taken by an evil Spirit, and he took over all my lands.
Now Cristalina doesn't exist anymore and Crystal Blades only purpose is to serve HRH of The Realm of Fayandria.
DQ: What do you want to achieve as the Lord of the Dragons?
NS: My goal, my dream, is to see Seanrath full of us, dragons, protecting the people of the Realm
DQ:If you had one wish for The Realm of Fayandria… What would it be?
NS:I wish that it grows in lands and people. Gain respect among realms that are part of the medieval RP community in SL. I know it takes a lot of time and hard work to achieve this, but what I am able to do, I will.