A Singles Combat Tournament sponsored by the Fringe Relay for Life Team will be held in the Realm of Fayandria Arena, on Sunday April 5th at 2:00pm SLT.
Registrations will begin at 1pm SLT and at the end of registration each competitor will be assigned their first match.
To enter the Tournament you must wear a tabard exclusively tailored for this event, from one of the RFL vendors outside the arena. The price for the tabard will be L$200 and all proceeds go to benefit RFL in SL and the American Cancer Society.
Combat meters will be on hand to be used for the Tournament, as well as a weapon; however you may choose to use your own if you wish, but it must be a level 1 weapon compatible with the Azora meter.
The winners will win the following prizes:
- 1st place, a Gold Trophy which grants 3 experience points as well as L$500
- 2nd place, a Silver Trophy which grants 2 experience points as well as L$300
- 3rd place a Bronze Trophy which grants 1 experience point as well as L$200
All trophies will generously be donated by Aaron Cerveau of Azora.
For further information about the RFL Tournament, please contact Rendal Constantineau.
*SL Name: Nax Sautereau
*Title: Lord of The Crystals, Dragon Lord of the Realm of Fayandria, Royal Minister
*RL Age: 46
*Rez Day: May 29th 2007
*SL Occupation & Hobbies: When I started in sl I worked as a bartender, then host at a beach club called Popeye's. Then I was hired as host at Frank's Jazz Club, and there I was Host Manager and General Manager.
When I found out medieval RP in SL, I "retired" and for a few months I spent all my time in Avilion. There I learned how to fight among many other things. It was also there that I met Fae Lilica and we became very close and good friends. Many adventures we had together… For my victories and services done to the Realm, I was Knighted.
Unfortunately, nowadays I do not have as much time to spend with my friends in SL. But when I do, I like to dance, to talk, to build and to practise spar. Exploring is something I used to do a lot but not so much these days.
*Favourite Book: I like fiction and adventures books, as well as those that take romanticize parts of history. It may sound a bit common, but I have just finished reading Tolkien again, the three books of The Lord of The Rings...
*Favourite Movie: I like movies very much, I don't have a favourite one. This past week I saw Gran Torino and Who wants to be a millionaire. I liked both, but Gran Torino better.
*Best moment in SL: I can remember of many. The first job I had, the promotions, when I got to General Manager of Frank's Jazz Club. The victories I had in Avilion, that was my medieval "RP" school, especially when I was Knighted. The true friendship shown by some of the people I met here, as our Seraphim Landscape Rosca. Some very very special moments spent with Lilica, The Fae of My Heart. But those I'll keep to myself and her to remember *grins* The foundation of Crystal Blades was a very special moment as well.
DQ: What brought you to The Realm of Fayandria?
NS: I had, as I said, many victories, but also many defeats. One of them was when I lost Crystal Blades, and was again wondering throughout sl to find a place to live. I was then told by a great dragon, my grand father, about the Realm, and that it was his last egg that was protected by the McDunnough Clan. He told me then to come and give my loyalty to The King and Queen, and to protect them and the egg, until it is time for it to hatch.
DQ: Tell us a bit about Crystal Blades… It’s foundation and who helped you creating it.
NS: Crystal Blades was a dream that came true. I am that kind of person that, if doesn't have a challenge, looses interest on things.
After I was knighted at Avilion, my "career" seemed to be finishing there. I was looking for a place to build a castle, and when I found the land, I decided to get the full Sim.
Lili and I partnered on that, the Sim was called Cristalina, and the story of Crystal Blades began. I had the help of two great builders and friends, Altopia Jewel and Lupus Hirano, Fae and Elf, and some other friends helped a lot, too. My idea at that time was to have my Knight House, loyal to Avilion, at this Sim. But the Lord and Lady of The Mist took this in a wrong way, thinking I was actually trying to drive people from their realm to create mine. Consequently, I was treated as a traitor and had my titles ripped.
That was sad, but I decided to work for me, not for them anymore, especially because I found out none of all the hard work and time I gave them was rewarded as it should.
But Crystal Blades grew. I was respected as man and Knight, and was offered alliance by some other realms, and Crystal Blades Warrior’s House began to make history.
It went so well, that I was offered to move and so Cristalina became Antique Cristalina, neighbour to Antique Mystique, that was Altopia's Sim. We did a lot of rebuilding and then Cristalina had 2 Sims.
Altopia had to leave SL, I was "left alone" to manage everything. A little while later, King Rab Spiteler, from Eternia, offered me to join his lands. The offer was good, the project was nice. We would be a separate country linked by sea - open space sim with water only. We moved again. Rebuilt again, this time, I sort of did it all myself, with some help of friends, but the main building was done alone. A very special one is Ludmilla Rogozarsky, Queen of The Crystal Merrows.
Unfortunately that did not go well as King Rab was taken by an evil Spirit, and he took over all my lands.
Now Cristalina doesn't exist anymore and Crystal Blades only purpose is to serve HRH of The Realm of Fayandria.
DQ: What do you want to achieve as the Lord of the Dragons?
NS: My goal, my dream, is to see Seanrath full of us, dragons, protecting the people of the Realm
DQ:If you had one wish for The Realm of Fayandria… What would it be?
NS:I wish that it grows in lands and people. Gain respect among realms that are part of the medieval RP community in SL. I know it takes a lot of time and hard work to achieve this, but what I am able to do, I will.
A beggar has been seen in the outskirts of our Realm. According to our source he was chased out of his town when people learned he was a ware wolf…
Be very careful and walk only through the pathways and do not travel alone…
Two deers are missing: one belonging to Lady Anuchis Dibou and another one property of Lord Nax Sautereau.
A L$100 reward will be offered for each to whomever finds the missing deers.
«It is not known precisely where angels dwell - whether in the air, the void, or the planets. It has not been God's pleasure that we should be informed of their abode».
*SL Name: Landscape Rosca
*Title: Vox Angeli Seraphim
*RL Age: 43
*Rez Day: March 2nd 2007
*SL Occupation&hobbies: Building, helping people, RP, managing Vox Angeli group, and before all, loving my wonderful SL wife.
*Favourite Book: L'homme qui devint Dieu, Gerald Messadié
*Favourite Movie: Gladiator
*Best moment in SL: The second I met Ladyheart.
DQ: What brought you to The Realm of Fayandria?
LR: There was a time in my SL life when I needed to change all. So I decided to leave my land, my castle and my stores to restart everything in another place. I visited many realm, but didn't find the land of my dreams. One day, Nax Sautereau told me that a friend of him, Buyaah Kazan, was working on a new medieval realm where all was to be developed. I found the LM, came here with Ladyheart, met Jedediah who welcomed us with opened arms, and decided to stay in Duhallow. Since this time, we enjoy more each day our life here.
DW: How did you start Vox Angeli? Were you alone in the project?
LR: I first created an angel group named "Angel Dust" in Eternia. We were 8 angels, but we didn't find our place in the RP there. In fact, the other groups were jealous of our powers and wanted us to be equal with the other creatures (mortals, warriors, etc...) Our role is first to help people, to be kind with everyone and to protect. We are imortals, part of God, sent to Earth to guide in the way of light, and sometimes, to punish. After some times I decided to disolve Angel Dust (which was half property of Eternia) to create Vox Angeli, a free group which could act everywhere. Most of my angels followed me, and in The Realm of Fayandria, we found what we were looking for.

DQ:For instance, if I wanted to become an Angel, what process would I have to go through? How do you choose your Angels?
LR:I don't really choose my angels, they come to me and we discuss. I ask many questions, and try to discover their heart and soul. Usually, I'm assisted by 1 or 2 Angel Power (the highest level after the Seraphim) in order to have another opinion. To be clear, I don't try to gather people to make them angels. My goal is not to have many members in the group, but to have only good members. It's why the first step is to be an Aspirant angel. During this time, people learn how to act without failing, under the control of the Guardians and the Powers. When we think that the Aspirant is ready, he can become a guardian (a real angel) during a ceremony when he is touched by God's light, in front of 2 witnesses (a human and an angel or a fae). Not every people become Guardian. The Aspirant time is a test to know if someone can really be an angel. I shall never accept any mistake or bad behaviour from them.
DQ: What do you want to achieve as the Seraphim?
LR: I have nothing to achieve. My work and all the angels work has no end. Anyway, I shall always help King Jedediah and Queen Fayandria to develop TRF in the best way, because I really believe in the future of our community.

DQ: You are an artist of many talents and we’ve seen your work as a builder/architect all around TRF. What do you think is your best works are so far?
LR: I have no best work. Even if I am proud of Vox Angeli fortress, I think that the best work is always the next one.
Relay Riders organized the third clothing fair featuring the best designers in SL with all proceeds going to Relay For Life. If you didn't go there yet, please take an hour – well, maybe two... - to visit this great event. It will be a good opportunity to update your wardrobe while contributing to a very important cause: fight cancer!
The Fair will be held until next Sunday, March 22nd. We advise you to take a friend or perhaps your sweetheart and enjoy a great shopping experience at the beach!
There is a Silent Dress Auction featuring original interpretations of the designs seen grid-wide representing the 7 Deadly Sins. Bidding started when the fair began on Monday, March 16, 2009 and will close at 6:00 pm SLT on Sunday, March 22, 2009. The Clothing Fair organization will announce the winners at 8:00 pm SLT on the 22nd to bid the fair farewell.
The Clothing Fair 2009 is a 9 Sims spectacular event, featuring over 170 Clothing Designers, entertainment: live music and DJ’s that keep everyone entertained around the clock, the above mentioned Silent Auction with all proceeds benefiting the American Cancer Society’s, Relay For Life campaign, a Treasure Hunt and several fashion shows hosted by Timeless Modeling Agency:
* March 22nd Friday, 2am SLT (Asia, Australia)
* March 23rd Sunday, 6 pm SLT (US West Coast).

To avoid lag, remember to remove all prim, HUDS, AO'S and Jewellery.
It’s time to Relay!
St. Patrick's - a full day of celebration in the Realm!
Posted by Anouk Lefavre in Brief News, Events
The day is the national holiday of Ireland. It is a bank holiday in Northern Ireland and a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland and Montserrat. In Canada, Great Britain, Australia, the United States and New Zealand, it is widely celebrated but is not an official holiday.
It became a feast day in the Roman Catholic Church due to the influence of the Waterford-born Franciscan scholar Luke Wadding in the early part of the 17th century, and is a holy day of obligation for Roman Catholics in Ireland.

Our Realm celebrated this day with a treasure hunt. The fortunate winners were Lady DilLunaVa Mai, first place, Lady Lea Kas, second place and last but not least, Lady RavenOhana Boa. They all found each a pot of gold.
In the evening, we all joined Ladyheart Janick at the Inn, in Duhallow, for a fun St. Patrick’s party. Everyone dressed up in green fancy costumes but Lord Meehaul Savon was unanimously considered the best dressed for the occasion.

To celebrate St. Patrick’s day, our ladies Anuchis Dibou and Ladyheart Janick organized a programme of festivities featuring a treasure hunt and a party at the Inn, in Duhallow.
*9am-12pm: St. Patrick’s Treasure Hunt – Follow all the clues and at the end you shall find a pot of gold!
*3pm: St. Patrick’s Day Party – Come along and join the fun wearing a fancy costume and there will be a prize for the best dressed! The party will be held at the Inn, in Duhallow.
The dress code is St. Patrick’s formal and medieval style.
The day had been calm and quiet, the sun was setting and the shadows of dusk started to embrace our Realm…
Every creature and person was at peace starting to rest of a long day of duties accomplished…
No one expected a sudden ordeal after the chaotic experience brought to our Realm by the attack of Bonda, the orc.
Yesterday, Lady Anuchis, Queen's Coucelor, Ambassador to Scepterd and Princess of Westenguard, Valahari, was in her Manor in Inis Airdrie Valley preparing herself for supper while waiting for Lord Legend to return home for the evening.
According to a trembled note Lady Anuchis left behind, even though all was serene, she had in her heart a sense of anxiety telling her a tribulation was about to happen…
She felt shadows coming close. Her body shook and shivered, tears fell from her eyes through her cheeks as she sensed evil coming closer and closer…
She soon confirmed her intuition was accurate as she felt a cold breeze entering her home... for a demon breached through the safety of her walls and captured her.
Our beloved Lady Anuchis is missing.
Last we have known of her is that she was taken away from home to the shadows lands, where chaos and death reign… The Queen’s Council awaits for the Demon to send a scroll with his demands…
Lord Nax, Lord Landscape and Lord Buyaah, in the name of the Queen Fayandria and King Jedediah, will guide our knights through the shadows to find her and rescue her. Lord Stormy will accompany them as he has pledged his sword for the safety of Fayandria Citizens.
Its time for us, noble citizens of The Realm of Fayandria, to show our bravery and courage! It is time to fight to preserve our peace!
Those who want, can and should join our knights in this quest.
«The various customs with which people today celebrate their birthdays have a long history. Their origins lie in the realm of magic and religion. The customs of offering congratulations, presenting gifts and celebrating - complete with lighted candles - in ancient times were meant to protect the birthday celebrant from the demons and to ensure his security for the coming year».

William Shakespeare
*SL Name: Fayandria Foley
*Title: HRH Queen of The Realm of Fayandria
*RL Age: 30
*Rez Day: March 11th 2006
*SL Occupation & Hobbies: No occupation in SL though I volunteer in Second Life for the American Cancer Society through their signature fund raising event Relay For Life. Hobbies in SL? I volunteer for the American Cancer Society through…
*Favourite Book: Katherine by Anya Seton
*Favourite Movie: Robin Hood
FF: The Realm was created by King Jedediah, it was his dream. I just fell in love with this community and what it stood for as it developed. Jedediah and I both enjoy a strong Celtic heritage so it was natural we would lend ourselves to living in that era.
DQ: What was your proudest moment in regards to The Realm?
FF: When I knew the Realm would survive and even thrive. That others would come to play and live here and we wouldn't have to shut it down or shrink it to keep it from hitting Jed's RL finances.
DQ: Which is the most challenging aspect of having a community such as The Realm of Fayandria? How do you keep everyone happy here?
FF: The most challenging aspect is trying to figure out when to add another Sim or open space.

FF: My responsibility is simple - to raise money for the American Cancer Society through their signature fundraising event Relay For Life so cancer can be fought and a tool found. And to also try and give every single Relayer the most fulfilling Relay experience possible. Of course I do that with an army of volunteers with the same goal.
DQ: Does the The Realm of Fayandria get involved in RFL activities? Is there a RFL Team in The Realm?
FF: The Realm of Fayandria can and will be involved if that is something the community desires and as of right now there is not a team in the Realm.
DQ If you had one wish for TRF… What would it be?
FF: That we grow and thrive but stay as happy and peaceful as we are right now.

Happy Birthday, Your Majesty. Long live Queen Fayandria!
March 11th, The Realm of Fayandria celebrates HRH Queen Fayandria's Birthday.
The Queen's Council is organizing a day of celebrations under the traditions of the Royal Crown in honour our Her Majesty the Queen.
Please join us in Embersray to pay your respects to HRH Queen Fayandria and celebrate our Queen's Day!
Programme of the Festivities (slt)
- 10.30am: Horse Race
- 12pm: Lunch
- 3pm: Tea Party in the Gardens
- 4 through 6pm: Royal Ball . There will be a surprise to honour our queen!
The dress code is formal and medieval style
The celebrations included a Fencing Tournament, a Horse Race – very much appreciated by HRH Queen Fayandria – the Royal Ball with fireworks and to close the festivities Ard Filea, Rendal honoured the king with a tale which began on the birthday of a Prince.

Fencing Tournament
Horse Race
Royal Ball

May we celebrate this day during many years to come...! Long live our King!
For those who could not attend the King’s day storytelling, we below transcribe the tale Rendal, Ard Filea told in honour of HRH King Jedediah.
«Gather around dear Lords and Ladies
For tonight I shall tell you a tale, which begins, as it would happen, on the Birthday of a Prince
It was in fact the coming of age day of Prince Calith, of the land of Malden.
Our Prince was a humble man in many ways, for he never saw himself as being above the people of the land, rather he sought to be a protector and guide for his people. On that very day, much like this one in fact, he swore in his heart that though he was sought by many a King for their daughters, to not take a wife unless she had first won his heart
How little did he know, that that time was not far off…
It was that very night, as he walked the gardens, beneath the light of the stars and moon, when he beheld what he first thought was a vision. A Lady that he had not met before was dancing among the flowered gardens, and her beauty was such that it seemed the flowers blossomed, and the stars shone, especially for her. The Prince approached her, and soon they were lost in talk, and time seemed to stand still while he was in her presence
Her name was Lianna, and she said only that she was newly come to the Kingdom. Before that moonlit night had passed, Prince Calith's heart was sited with her, and over the days that followed he would walk with her, among the gardens, as was her wont. Calith knew in his heart that he had found the only Lady that he would ever love, and at last, as they walked again on another night beneath the light of the stars, he spoke to her fully, and asked her for her hand.
Yet Lianna had a secret, of which she had not spoken, and now she told him it in full. For she in fact was no mortal woman, but one of the Fae, and she had desired to walk for a time in the mortal world. At this the Prince said that it mattered not, for it changed nothing that was in his heart for her yet she afraid, fearing that their love could not be. And so, she set upon him a sleeping spell, and as he slept she crept from the garden, to make her way back to her own home, not wanting to stay longer for fear of breaking his heart.
In the morn the Prince awoke, and he guessed at what had happened. For days he walked the gardens, hoping she would return, and at night he would sit in the high tower, and look out over the lands about. At last he could stand it no longer, and he took his leave of his Father, and set out on a personal quest, seeking the land of the Fae, and his love. All about the lands he journeyed, seeking ever news of the land he sought, and many adventures befell him, yet no word did he hear of that which he sought.
Nearly a year had passed, and still his heart was set on his quest, when he came throught a mountain pass, and on the other side he came into a land that seemed marvelously fair and strange.
"Can he be" he thought. "That I am at last nearing my goal?" For in this land even the color of the trees and the sky and the earth seemed crispy, and the air more wholesome.
That night he went onward after dark and he was just about to make his camp, when he heard voices, voices unlike any he had heard before, rough and guttural they sounded. He went forward slowly, and then he saw them, two creatures in a clearing, tall, thick muscled, dark furs covering their green hides, and long dark mated hair on their heads
He wondered what they were, and what the small bundle one was carrying was. Then he saw the bundle move, and he knew that it was a living creature.
Angered at this apparent injustice, he drew his sword and charged the creatures, before they knew he was there.
They were of course, as you might know, Orcs, yet it had been many years since his Grandfather had driven the Orcs from their kingdom, and Calith had never seen one before.
The fight was over quickly, for strong as they were, the Orcs were no match for his skill. When it was over he turned his attention to the small bundle, and to his surprise saw an intelligent pair of eyes looking back up at him.
Quickly he cut the cords binding it, and engaged the creature’s mouth.
The little creature then stood and dusted off his clothes and bowed. "I am ever so grateful to you. Tell me, what is it that a mortal man is doing in these parts?"
Calith was beside himself to realize the creature could talk, yet he was courteous, and treated him so. Soon he learned that he was a Knobbin.
The Knobbin’s name was Tollok, and in their talk he told Calith that he was also on a quest. For you see, Tollok had been separated from his parents as a child, and raised by a kindly mortal man and his wife
Since he had come to adulthood, he had travelled, seeking for the homeland of his people, which many had heard of, but none knew where it laid.
Calith in his turn told Tollok of his own quest, to find the land of the Fae, and of his lady love. At this Tollok jumped up and said that he may be able to help. "For I have recently come from their land. I could lead you there if you like, to pay you for saving my life."
So they set out, Calith with his hopes renewed, and behind him on his saddle rode the little Knobbin, telling him of the strange places he had seen. At last they passed through a foggy vale, and came out in a land that made Calith nearly weep for joy, for the beauty and richness of colors, the trees and flowers seeming almost more awake as it were, and he knew that now he was on the right trail.
Not often is it that the Fae receive visitors from outside their land, for many fear to go there, yet they were courteous, and welcomed Calith, if a bit questioning of his reasons. There though Calith's joy darkened, for he leaned gracious news. He found out first, that Lianna was not only a Fae, but she was a Princess of their people.
When Lianna had returned to her home, the Queen had been upset, fearing for her daughter's safety, yet at last Lianna had persuaded her to allow her to visit the mortal world again, for her heart could not rest since she had met Calith.
She had gone with two others as an escort, yet on that very day one of them had returned bearing ill news for their party had been ambushed, and the Princess taken captive... by Orcs.
At this Calith was enraged, and he swore to find and free her. So he left, intending to hunt them down, no matter the cost to himself, and with him only Tollok went, for he would not forsake his friend in his need. They found the trail at last, and back through the misty vale it went, and once again they found themselves in the land in which Calith had met Tolok
It was evening when they found what they sought. There was a fire in the distance, and slowly the crept closer, and then they saw beyond a doubt that it was the party of Orcs. They were many and well armed, and in their midst, lying by the fire, was Lianna, her hands and ankles bound.
Calith's heart would not allow him to wait another moment, and not waiting to take thought or council, he charged the Orcs, hoping to rush them by surprise, and sweep Lianna away to safety. Yet the Orcs were many, and attentive, and though he fought valiantly, it was not long before they lay hands on him, and soon he also was bound. Tollok, who saw this from the trees was in an awful fret, for what could he do against these creatures?
Quickly he fled, noting where they were, the one thought in his mind of finding someone, anyone that could help. Yet as he went through the darkened forest, he missed his footing, and soon was tumbling head over heels down a long hill, til at last he bumped his head on a stone, and remembered nothing for a while.
At this time the Orcs were debating what to do with the Prince. For they were under orders to deliver the Princess to their chieftain as a prize, yet he was not in their orders. It was late in the night, early morn perhaps, when the arguments turned to blows, and all the camp was in an uproar. Calith thought this was their chance, yet while he struggled with his bonds their suddenly came a strange noise in the trees.
There was a loud rustling and jostling, and soon the Orcs forgot their fight, and several of them went into the trees to see what was going on. Suddenly, almost all around the camp, the trees resounded the twang of bows, and the whistle of arrows filled the air.
Calith was startled, and wondered what this help was that had come, when he heard a familiar voice in his ear.
"Hold still while I cut your cords," whispered Tollok.
While the Orcs were busy fighting thir unseen foes, the Prince and Princess were freed, and together they fled into the woods with Tollok.
"Who is that fights for us? I should aid them." said the Prince
"They won't catch them my friend," said Tollok, and we must hurry away from here and to the village.
So it was that Tollok led them down the very hill he had fallen down, and found that he also had succeeded in his quest, unexpectedly
For it turns out that the very stone he hit his head on, was the first paving stone of a walkway...which led the first little house of a Knobbin village, hidden in the deep vale. When Tollok had told them of the Orcs, they had sent out their best archers, "And by now they have probably left the Orcs very confused," he finished out the tale as they paused at the door to a small house.
They stayed the rest of the night, and the next with the Knobbins, and then Calith returned Lianna to her home.
There he sought audience with the Fae Queen herself, and asked for Lianna's hand in marriage
So it was that the next spring they were wed, and in both Kingdoms the merriment was high for many days.
The Duhallow Quill has the pleasure of bringing you this new column, where we plan on introducing the most interesting, famous and lovely Citizens of The Realm of Fayandria.
And the first one had to be Jedediah McDunnough, our King!
*SL Name: Jedediah McDunnough
*Title: HRH King of The Realm of Fayandria
*Rez Day: March 9th 2006
DQ - What inspired you and Queen Fay to create The Realm of Fayandria?
JM: I have carried the concept around with me for some time now. The Queen and I have always worked together in supporting SL communities. In the early days - very early days - when we barely were more than newbies ourselves, I bought most of one of the early SL regions, Samoa and Fayandria, where I built McDunnough's Speakeasy. We built our first community providing jobs, homes, and a venue for live music to SL residents.
The Queen has always been active with Relay for Life - a huge, mission oriented, project for the American Cancer Society in SL. She will not say it, but I am proud to say, that she has literally made history in the non-profit world. Relay, under her direction, was the first project of its kind and demonstrated how incredibly effective virtual worlds can be in supporting charitable work in RL.
Fayandria simply grew out of our love for a shared Celtic heritage, wild imaginations and interest in helping others through fostering and supporting community within Second Life.
I named it after her because of who she is and what she means to me, and everyone who knows her. It is actually the second namesake I created for her. The first was a Sim - the third I ever bought and first I ever named. Still own it.
DQ: What was your proudest moment in regards to The Realm?
JM: The day we realized it was going to make it out of its difficult beginnings and survive as a viable community. I can't tell you exactly when that happened, but there was definitely a moment when Faya and I looked at each other and said, "the worst is over - its going to make it".
That moment would not have come if it had not been for Buyaah Kazan, Landscape Rosca, his partner Ladyheart Janick and our dear friend Anuchis Dibou. These people were strong, early cornerstones in the foundation of the Realm.
And now a second tier of invaluable people Anouk Lefavre and Nax Sautereau for instance. We are nothing without the community…
DQ: Which is the most challenging aspect of having a community such as The Realm of Fayandria? How do you keep everyone happy here?
JM: The most challenging aspect for me, though this may seem mundane to your readers, is keeping the finances manageable. Tier payments alone cost $1055 USD each month. Income from the realm comes no where near to covering that expense so far. Managing cash flow and developing alternative sources of free cash flow from other areas of my land operations keeps me quite busy.
DQ: Do you plan to expand your domains?
JM: The plan is to grow the Realm as large as interest permits. My plan is to add another two full sims: one on the north and another along with an Openspace sim to connect Embersray to the realm. These plans, of necessity, are on hold until income catches up with expenses.
DQ: Where and how do you see the future of The Realm of Fayandria?
JM: I see it growing into a vibrant community, multi cultural, and focused on quality experience for our Citizens. The future is very much in the hands of our citizens. Kings and queens guide, protect and create possibilities - the world is built by the inhabitants who take advantage of them.
DQ: If you had one wish for The Realm of Fayandria… What would it be?
JM: *Laughs* That it would be so large, so organized, so happy and so productive, that people wonder why we even have a King.
Happy Birthday, Your Majesty. Long live King Jedediah!
«Men are equal; it is not birth but virtue that makes the difference».
March 9th, The Realm of Fayandria celebrates HRH King Jedediah's Birthday.
The Queen's Council is preparing a day of celebrations under the traditions of the Royal Crown in honour our His Majesty.
Please join us in Seanrath to pay your respects to HRH King Jedediah and celebrate our King's Day!
Programme of the Festivities:
11am - Spar Tournament
1pm - Horse Race throughout the domains of The Realm of Fayandria
3pm - King's Birthday Ball - featuring music form DJ WyChild
5pm - Storytelling by Rendal Constantineau, Ard Filea
6pm – Fireworks
The dress code is formal and medieval style.
Their Royal Majesties started their birthday trip to the Queen's Home Keep of Embersray.
By nightfall, HRH King Jedediah and HRH Queen Fayandria set the Royal camp near the Angels' Holdings and are due to depart today during the afternoon heading to Lady Anuchis Manor.
If any of citizens or friends of The Realm of Fayandria wishes to pay their respects to the Royal Family this should be a wonderful opportunity since their Majesties will be passing by and camping in several spots of their domains before reaching Embersray where several celebrations will take place in honour of our King and Queen.
Pay attention for more news and updates will come regarding this Royal Trip. Their Majesties are planning special events which include Jousting and Fencing Tournaments, Royal balls, dance and celebrations!
The Mardi Gras Tournament took place on February 21st and featured Jousting and Fencing.
The Jousting winners were Marilyn Breguet, first place and Gunner Slade, second place. The Fencing winners were Grock String, first place and Gunner Slade, second place.
The four winners were made knights by the HRH King Jedediah and HRH Queen Fayandria.
Jousting is a sport played by two armoured combatants mounted on horses. It consists of martial competition between two mounted knights using a variety of weapons, usually in sets of three per weapon - such as tilting with a lance, blows with the battle axe, strokes with the dagger or strokes with a sword - often as part of a tournament.
Though the first recorded tournament was staged in 1066, jousting did not gain in widespread popularity until the 12th century. It maintained its status as a popular European sport until the early 17th century.
Jousting was added to tournaments several centuries after their inauguration. The joust permitted a better display of individual skill and, although dangerous, offered large sums of prize money. Many knights made their fortune in these events, whilst many lost their fortune or even life.
Fencing had its origin in Europe and it is the sport of armed combat that involves cutting, stabbing, or slapping bludgeoning weapons directly manipulated by hand, rather than shot, thrown or positioned, including swords, knives, pikes, bayonets, batons, clubs, and similar weapons.
The word fence was originally a shortening of the Middle English defens, that came from an Italian word, defensio, in origin a Latin word. The first known use of defens in reference to English swordsmanship is in William Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor: «Alas sir, I cannot fence».
The Royal Family Birthday Trip Itinerary
Posted by Anouk Lefavre in Brief News, Events, Royal Proclamations
Their Royal Majesties will travel to the Queen's Home Keep of Embersray. They will be passing through the majority of the Realm and hope to see as many citizens as possible. Their Majesties will spend their birthdays at the Queen's Home Keep.
The trip's itinerary, starting on March 6, will be as follows:
Leg 1: The Royal Family will leave Duhallow Castle at approx. 2:30 SLT PM on March 6 after a short blessing. Their goal is to reach the Angels' Holdings before night-fall. A stop will be made at the Embassey.
Leg 2: The Royal Family will depart the Angels' Holdings the afternoon of March 7 for the manor of Lady Anuchis.
Leg 3: The Royal Family will bid farewell to Lady Anuchis on the morning of March 8, with the goal to reach the Castle of Lord Nax before night-fall. There will be a brief stop at the holdings of Lady Syn Short and the Wilderness Garrison.
Leg 4: The Royal Family will continue their trip to the launching point for Embersray on Seanrath Road, the afternoon of March 9, and depending on the time of day either set camp at that point or continue on to Embersray.
All Land Owners not visited need to be aware they will be visited on the returning journey.
Duhallow Quill
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