Ladyheart Janick and Landscape Rosca, our Seraphim exchanged vows in the Vox Angeli Chapel, on the evening of 25th February 2009.
It was a beautiful celebration of Love that draw together the closest friends of the merry couple, including their Majesties, the High King Jedediah, the High Queen Fayandria and Princess Jaelle.
We, at the Duhallow Quill, pray and wish happiness for both Ladyheart and Landscape on their marriage; we hope they are the ones from the story that says - Happily Ever After…

«Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind». A Midsummer Night's Dream, William Shakespeare

The Duhallow Quill would like to dedicate the merry couple William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 105 -Let not my love be called idolatry
Let not my love be called idolatry,
Nor my beloved as an idol show,
Since all alike my songs and praises be
To one, of one, still such, and ever so.
Kind is my love to-day, to-morrow kind,
Still constant in a wondrous excellence;
Therefore my verse to constancy confined,
One thing expressing, leaves out difference.
Fair, kind, and true, is all my argument,
Fair, kind, and true, varying to other words;
And in this change is my invention spent,
Three themes in one, which wondrous scope affords.
Fair, kind, and true, have often lived alone,
Which three till now, never kept seat in one.

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on Friday, 27 February 2009
at Friday, February 27, 2009
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