Just a few days ago, on a bright sunny afternoon, HRH King Jedediah, HRH Queen Fayandria and Princess Jaelle were out riding, accompanied by Lady Aynne, the Ard Filea, Rendal and Lady MusicalMystic. Lord Landscape, the Seraphim was escorting the royal excursion as they were trying to find their way to Lady Anuchis’ residence. As the group joyfully advanced in their journey, they got off the beaten track in order to admire a beautiful waterfall.
Suddenly, the Royal Family and their fair friends were pushed away from their peaceful tour when an Orc came cross their path attacking them with such anger and fury as if he wanted to hurt or kill every living creature on the face of the earth.
King Jedediah and the Seraphim courageously fought back defending themselves and the fair ladies touring with them. As the fight with the Orc evolved a cloud of dust arose. The screams, the noise, the blood and the violent Orc scared little Princess Jaelle and as she panicked in fear she got off her saddle and started to run. As the confusion grew and the dust cloud got thicker, nobody noticed that the Orc started chasing our little Princess… The more she ran, the more he chased her!
Frighten as she never was in her life, Princess Jaelle looked back to the Orc and tripped on a tree route helplessly falling to the ground. The Orc grabbed her disappearing into the woods.
In the middle of such noisy mess, no-one heard Princess Jaelle cries for help and she was taken away from her family and friends. She fainted in horror only to wake up in a cage in a strange place.
As the dust came down and the air clean up, Queen Fayandria realised her little Princess has disappeared! Barely after the struggle for their lives and while still catching their breath, they all realised Princess Jaelle was no longer with them… She has been taken by the Orc! Queen Fayandria fell to her knees in fear of loosing her little child.
The Royal excursion was forced to return to the Duhallow Castle in order to find a solution to rescue the Princess from the enraged Orc. But they had to wait for his demands… for some kind of clue… while figuring out a way to capture this creature…
After two long hours, the first message came with a drawing of Princess Jaelle caged… The Orc demanded food, lots of food, a bowl and a certain amount of money. It was imperative to act immediately and so the Seraphim flew across the Realm to find traces left by the Orc and to try to recognise the place where that drawing was done… But there was no success.

Then a second clue was delivered to the Royal Court. This clue told about Four Pines and said the following «pictures paint a thousand words and tell a story they do. This one sings of a Princess in a cage and where you’ll find her soon. Orc».The word was spread through the kingdom. The king went on patrol. The Seraphim called all the angels together.The angels went all the way to Embersray and back… The royal patrols watched the roads from Inish Conra garrison citadel for the view there takes in much of the Realm domains. However nothing resembled Four Pines…

Lady MusicalMystic, Lady Anuchis and Lady Aynne joined the King, the Queen, the Ard Fileas and the Seraphim in the Library. They were all set out to try and fill the ransom note, starting to make word association to the drawings. Trees. Green. Four. They were all gathered digging and searching in the royal fine collection of books. Finally, the Ard Fileas, Rendal said out loud «Pines… Pines…» and King Jedediah abruptly jumped up and as he did so did the Seraphim. And off they were. Four Pines resembled an area the King and the Seraphim recalled travelling through.
The Seraphim flew directly to that area and found Princess Jaelle lying on the ground of the cage, timidly crying for her dear mother. Lord Landscape was ready to punish the Orc but he was no where to be found in the area. He opened the cage and took the princess into his arms.
Their Majesties, Lady MusicalMystic and the Ard Filea were trying to get there as fast as they could to help the Seraphim fight and put down the dangerous creature.
As King Jedediah arrived to the site, he was relieved to see the Princess was safe and sound. However and even though his heart was at rest, he was still very angry and eager to punish this Orc.
The Princess was taken back to the Duhallow Castle by Queen Fayandria, the Ard Filea and Lady MusicalMystic. The rest of the day was spent taking care of the little princess and keeping the surveillance for signs of the Orc.
The dawn brought reports of Orc sightings and so the hunting began. The Seraphim spotted the Orc in the gardens near the town centre and went to his way… As the Orc saw him, he went to attack him and the Seraphim drown his bow and hit the Orc with three arrows. The Orc got spooked and scared and started to run. The Seraphim purchased him all the way until Inish Airdrie, where the Orc kept his camp, hidden away from sight. There, the Seraphim hit him again, this time with five arrows. Although afraid and in pain, the Orc fought Lord Landscape who defeated him with his sword and captured the Orc with his net for he did not intend to kill him.

Bonda, the Orc was put in a cage in Inish Conra and there he awaits his fair trial. As we celebrate the courage of our brave Seraphim, let us not forget that Orcs are fallen Elves so they have a heart… Let us pray that Bonda finds his path in doing good and embraces the peace and charm of the Realm of Fayandria.
At dusk, there was a Grand Ball, the first of this glorious year, to celebrate the rescue of Princess Jaelle and to celebrate to victory of good against evil. The guests danced the night away to the sounds of Celtic melodies…