Dear Reader,
We really love to read a good story… and we think beautiful minds love to hear and to read great stories. We believe you shall find good readings as you turn the pages of your newspaper.
We are luckier than we could ever have imagined to have with us such a team of creative and experienced writers who share their skills, vision and dreams with us.
The first issue is done, printed and out! We invite you to read our stories and hope you will find the articles and subjects as interesting to you as they are to us.
Before you turn the page to discover the wonders of your newspaper, allow us to ask you to share your thoughts with us about the Duhallow Quill and let us know what you think. We would be most happy to hear from you.
Happy readings!
With all the good wishes.
Anouk Lefavre
For those who could not attend the Library re-opening and the Duhallow Quill in-World début celebrations, we below transcribe the tale Lord Rendal Constantineau, Ard Filea, told yesterday, after the dance party at the Vox Angeli Fortress.
I believe some of you will remember, when I once told you of the origins of Malaga, she who became known to many as the Dark Hunter. Today, I shall tell of another tale that concerned her, which had its beginnings some years later.
As the years went by, the tales of the one known as the Dark Hunter spread throughout many lands, sometimes these tales and rumors were of a champion who fought against the forces of darkness that stalked the night though other times the tales were told from another light, one not so complimentary as this, and so Malaga became revered by some, and feared by others.
Yet all who spoke of her were agreed in one thing, that she was a hunter and tracker of exceptional skill. Even to the Island Kingdom of Arbalan did word of Malaga's deeds spread, though some wondered how garbled or magnified the tales had become in the telling.
So it was that a young man, the son of a noble family, heard of the deeds of the Dark Hunter, and wishing to become a tracker and hunter as well, it came into his mind that he should find the best to learn from.
His name was Dreavin, and as he set out from his home, catching passage on a fishing vessel for the mainland, his heart was filled with the wonders he would see in the wide world and the desire to aid in what way he could against the dark creatures that stalked the dark of night.
For many long days he traveled, seeking ever knowledge of where he could find this Malaga, yet many were not willing to speak of Malaga, save in whispers, and those that were willing to talk, knew little, or had heard only vague rumors that the Dark Hunter stalked that forest called the Alawood.
So onward he went, seeking the Alawood, hoping that the rumors were true, though many of those he spoke to advised him that he should not enter the woods, for it was said that they were dark and terrible.
At last though, he learned from an old man in the town of Alna, that indeed Malaga had made a dwelling deep in those woods, and he told Dreavin "Follow the path towards the center of the forest, and your searching will end, for Malaga will find you."
It was at the end of a long day of weary travel, the horse he had purchased tiring from the pace that he found himself deep within the Alawood, and there he decided to make camp and wait for daylight.
Yet even as he ate a meal from his now dwindling supplies, he was caught off guard by the voice of a woman, speaking from near at hand. "You would do well to pay more attention in these woods, for they can be dangerous."
Surprised as he was by her sudden appearance, he was equally surprised when he saw her, clad in dark greens, with a cloak of wool dyed black over her shoulders.
"Perhaps she knows these woods, and can help me find Malaga," he thought as he introduced himself to the woman, and explained why he had ventured into the woods.
"So, you seek the one called the Dark Hunter?" she asked him. "Malaga is closer than you may think."
For a few moments he continued to speak to her, wondering at her seeming riddle of words, until with a shock, he realized suddenly that this was the one he sought.
It was a surprise to him when it dawned on him, for never had he heard tell that the Dark Hunter was a woman, yet he hid his surprise as best he could, so as not to offend her.
He launched into the words he had so long planed to say, telling of his desire to expand upon what hunting and tracking skills he had. "If one wishes to learn a skill, is it not fitting to seek out one who is considered a Master of that skill?"
Malaga though was not pleased at first, for she had grown use to being alone, traveling when and where she would, and she wasn't sure she wanted an 'apprentice' as he named it. "Someone to look after, and share my food and shelter with" she thought to herself, which was not that appealing of a thought to her.
Somehow though Dreavin convinced her to at least give him a chance, yet not before she had made him swear to do as she said without question, and further more he offered to act as a servant to her, to help earn his keep and his teaching. So she led him to the place in which she dwelt, a small cabin, far from the well traveled paths in the woods.
For the first two weeks Dreavin felt as if he did nothing but work, cleaning the small stable, and tending to her horse as well as his own, and preparing meals, and aiding in setting traps for small game in the area about. Yet he knew that it was often the way of Masters of a craft, to test the patience of a student, seeing if they had the courage and patience to maintain the long track. It was as he was thinking of going to his bedroll, which he had placed in a dry corner of the stable, when Malaga came and said she wished to speak with him before he slept.
Then she told him that she had at first thought he would be gone within two days, for she could see by his dress and manor that he had been raised in a well to do family, and thought he would have no taste for hard work.
Yet he had surprised her, by not only staying the course, but also uncomplainingly. "When first I saw you," she said to him. "I thought that you were nothing more than a young fool, seeking for fame and glory."
"I have changed that opinion. I know see that you don't seek fame or glory, but are one of those that wish to make something of themselves by trying to change the world for the better. A fool no better though, just a different type of fool."
He was confused by her comment, for the tales that he had heard of her, and he asked. "Yet what of the tales of you, being one of those that seek to help others and make just such a change in the world?"
To this she simply said. "Sometimes a fool is known best by another fool perhaps. Yet I fear I am long past seeing the world as you do. I know how cold and bitter it can be, and I hope you don't have to learn the lesson as painfully as I did."
Yet the she told him, to his delight, that starting the next day she would begin to instruct him.
True to her word, the next several days were spent mostly in the deep woods, seeking trails and paths, identifying types of plants that could be eaten, and many other things of this nature.
Though he was no longer doing the bulk of the work in cleaning and such, he was just as tired, if not more so, each night when he sought his sleep.
It was after about two months had gone by in a similar fashion, that she told him one day that they would be going on a journey the next day, for she had started a habit, years before, of attending a hunt that was held by the Duke of Alnara, and she intended on keeping up her tradition.
It was a few days later, as they were making their way along the paths that wound their way nothward along the feet of the mountains, making for the Keep of Alnara, that they chanced to stop at a small village for the night.
At once Dreavin saw that things did not seem well, for people were scarce on the street, and those that were about hid themselves inside well before dark, and bolted their doors and windows.
Malaga was known by some in this town, yet it was not she that they were afraid of, and when they reached the town's only Inn, Dreavin learned why they were afraid.
It had begun at the times of the melting of the snows that spring, at first cattle or sheep vanishing without a trace, only to be found later, torn to peices, as if eaten by some savage creature.
As soon as Malaga had entered the Inn, the Innkeeper, and an elderly man, who seemed to be of local importance, approached her, and they began telling her the tale, beging her to help them.
She listened to them for a few moments, and Dreavin wondered what she would do, yet then they learned what it was that had been terrorizing the small town. It had been seen, earlier in the month, the form of a creature greater than the height of a tall man, with wings of scally hide stretching from it's shoulders, teeth and claws like razors.
They told of how now two of the townspeople had vanished even, and they feared that the creature was now preying upon them rather than their livestock. Dreavin guessed what it was as quickly as Malaga did, a Dragonette, similar to a Dragon, yet smaller, and much less powerful than the Great Dragons, yet dangerous still if it was wild, or hungry
Even as Dreavin knew what it was, wondering if Malaga knew how to fight such a creature, he was startled as she suddenly shook her head, and told the men that she could do nothing to help them with such a creature, and then turned and calmly asked about rooms.
Dreavin said nothing of what was on his mind, until after they had been led to rooms, and had then sat down to eat a meal in a common dining area together. Then he asked her if there wasn't something that could be done, for he was shocked at her unwillingness to try.
Yet still she refused, and at last she said, "Perhaps you don't know how dangerous something like that can be. These people might do better to leave it well enough alone, and stay indoors at night till it decides to leave the area.
All that night Dreavin lay awake, thinking about the creature, and in the morning he tried again to convince her that they should try and do something.
Yet again she said no, and grew a little angry with him. "If you think it is so important, then by all means, try and kill the thing. It's too dangerous of a creature to go near unless I'm well paid for it, and then I might still decline."
At this he was dismayed, but kept his tongue civil, but at last she said. "Do what you will Master Dreavin, once you've had a chance to think more clearly you can find me on the road." With that she mounted her horse, and began to trot along the road, scowling.
Dreavin almost followed, but he couldn't bring himself to do it, and so he made a decision, and walked back into the Inn to speak with the Keeper.
It was evening when Dreavin found what he was looking for, the place where the villagers said the creature seemed to be hiding, in thick grove of trees and underbrush.
He moved as stealthily as he could, trying to ignore how hurt he felt towards Malaga, as he approached the creature, which was apparently sleeping.
"Not so dangerous," he thought to himself as he moved closer, drawing his sword, and bracing himself to make a choping blow at it's neck and be done with it before it awoke.
Yet little did he know of these creatures, and before he could bring his sword down, a taloned claw swung out and knocked his legs from under him!
Dreadful was the fight that ensued, and Dreavin fought with all of his strength and skill against the creature, yet barely was he able to keep the claws from racking his stomach, as it sought to disembowel him.
Struggling as he was, he dropped his sword as the creature snapped at him, trying to decapitate him with the long sharp teeth in its great snout.
Then he lost his footing, and fell to the ground at the feet of the creature, and looking up he thought that he had breathed his last, as it spread its taloned claws to striked.
Yet at that moment the creature suddenly lurched forward a step, as if stumbling, and then again as it cried out in rage.
Dreavin scrambled to his knees, grabbing up his sword, wondering what was happening, even as he looked up in time to see the creature turn around, with long black feathered arrows protruding from the joints of its back, where the scales were drawn apart to allow for easy movement.
Another arrow flew out of the darkening night, striking the creature near the throat.
Though this strike had little impact on it, it was what Dreaving needed, and he rose up quickly and plunged his sword deep through the scales of its abdomen, it's dark gore spilling over his hands, as he fell to the ground again, exhausted.
He lay there panting for a second, almost too tired and surprised to wonder who had helped him, and before he could recover, he found Malaga kneeling next to him, her long bow slung over her shoulder. "Next time maybe you'll listen to me," was all she would say for a long time.
So Dreavin learned later, that Malaga had, as she put it, decided to see if he was as good as his boasting, yet he could tell that she had been more concerned about him than she let on in words.
"Was it a test?" he wondered to himself, and for long he couldn't decide one way or the other.
And that my friends, is the end of the tale of the first adventure that Dreavin had in Malaga's company, though little did he know, it was only the first of many.
Two in One: Blessing and re-opening Ceremony of the Duhallow Library and launching of Duhallow Quill#1
Posted by Anouk Lefavre in Events
Fellow Fayandrians,
The blessing and re-opening ceremony of the new Duhallow Library and official launch of the Duhallow Quill publication in Secondlife will take place at 2:30pm SLT on Friday 12th June in the clearing outside the Library; followed by dancing at 3pm SLT in the grounds of Vox Angeli Fortress; and culminating with storytelling by Rendal Constantineau, Ard Filea at 5pm SLT by the campfire in the grounds of Vox Angeli Fortress. Everyone is invited to please join us in celebrating both these significant achievements.
Hope to see you all there!
Today, Lord Landscape Rosca, Ard Ministir, summoned all teams with traditional weapons, magic, tinnies and dragons for it is urgent to draw Fayandria’s strategy.
Therefore, please try to attend the combat training, today at 2pm.
The Arena, in Seanrath (221/88/23) offers the ideal conditions for the practice of Jousting, Fencing and archery as well as Equestrian Horse Jumping. Lady Lea Kaas, High Knight, leads the fencing training every Monday, at the Arena in Seanrath, at 2pm followed by the Archery training sessions given by Queen Emileigh, at the Archery Range in Scepterd Isle (47/65/25).
Dear Reader,
Allow us to remind you that there will be a formal Purple Masked Ball in the grounds of Vox Angeli Fortress at 3pm SLT today, 1st June.
Today is Paint SL Purple Day and you can show your support by wearing purple during the whole day or by showing off a fancy purple ribbon or even decorating your home in lavender!
Join us today at 3pm, it will be a wonderful opportunity for us all to get together and raise money for this noble cause. You will also have the opportunity to make donations and all proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society.
The Queen's Wizard, Lord Trav Wachter held a beautiful ceremony to purge our land of the evil poison that fell upon us all, in Duhallow.

Several fellow Fayandrians fell very ill due to the contact with such poison; there is no report of death but such poison can even kill…
All who were in direct contact with this poison attended this ceremony, along side with many Fayandrians who wanted to show their support and contribute to strengthen the purging.

A lovely dance hosted by Lord Landscape Rosca, our prime Minister and Lady Ladyheart Janick, his wife, followed the Cleansing Ceremony.
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