Urgent Message from HRH Queen Fayandria  

Posted by Anouk Lefavre in

Queen Fayandria sent a scroll to the Duhallow Quillwith the following message:

The security of the Last Royal Dragon Egg, that was entrusted to our forefathers and passed on to us, has been breached. It is to be relocated into a more secure area as soon as possible. During transport to this area it will be guarded heavily. We would like to offer an apology for any inconveniences this may cause our citizens but...we do know you understand and support the cause our ancestors passed on to us!


Thank You!
Fayandria Foley HRH

For further information, contact Lord Stormbirdvon Shepherd or Lady Knight Lea.

Garden Party at Vox Angeli Castle  

Posted by Anouk Lefavre in

Every Friday at 3pm slt, a Garden Party will be held in the grounds of Lady Ladyheart and Lord Landscape’s residence at Vox Angeli Castle, in Duhallow.

Everyone is invite to dance, enjoy the music and sit around the campfire to chat with friends. It will a wonderful way to start every weekend! See you all there!

Proceedings on the Royal Appointments of May 13th 2009  

Posted by Anouk Lefavre in

HRH Queen Fayandria has sent a scroll to the Duhallow Quill describing and explaining the roles and duties of the respective Offices as follows.

*Ard Ministir (High Minister - appointment by the crown): Lord Landscape Rosca. This ministir represents the Royal Crown in all ways and in all areas - when the crown is not available.

*Ministir of Stát (Minister of State - appointment by the crown): Lady Pandora Fireguard. This position is responsible for all Foreign Relations. It is also in charge of training and assigning of ambassadors of the Realm to other countries. Ambassadors of the Realm are nominated by this ministir but will be appointed by the Royal Crown. The goal is to build relationships and create joint activities.

**Ambassador – Represent the Realm in neighbouring Courts. It is responsible for building relationships and create joint activities. Each ambassador may carry two countries.

*Ancient (Advisor - appointment by the crown): Lord Buyaah Kazan

*Ard Brehon (Chief Justice - appointment by Royal Crown): Lady Ladyheart Jannick. This position rulings may not be overturned by anyone but the Crown. The Ard Brehon is responsible for training of the Brehans (Judges). Handles the disputes that the Brehans advance and only involves the Royal Crown if it can't be resolved at the Ard Brehon level amicably.

**Brehan (Judge - appointed by the Royal Crown, may be nominated by the Ard Brehon) Handles the disputes that the population cannot bring to an amicably conclusion on their own. Disputes may be submitted to the Brehan for resolution by one of the people involved, or may step in on their own and make a ruling when the peace of the realm is threatened. If need be the Brehan can advance disputes to the Ard Brehon.

*Realm Warden (appointment by the Royal Crown): Kerus Kasei. The Realm Warden enforces rent collection, handles merchant relations, covenant enforcement and zoning.

*Ard Seanacha/High Bard (appointment by the Royal Crown): Anouk Lefavre. Ard Seanacha is responsible for "letters", publications, management of the Library, keeper of the History, lore and legends of the Realm. Directs and trains the Seanacha.

**Seanacha: Work as Librarians, Writers on the paper. May be nominated by the Ard Seanacha but appointed by the Royal Crown.

*Ard Filea (High Storyteller- appointed by the Royal Crown): Rendal Constantineau. The Ard Filea is the advisor to the Royal Crown and orally teaches lessons and stories from the ancients.

Appointments Royal Proclamation  

Posted by Anouk Lefavre in

Please find below the Appointments Royal Proclamation dated of May 13th 2009:

Be it known by these presents that the following named Lord's, Ladies, and Citizens of the Realm of Fayandria; having through their loyalty. Commitment and hard work on behalf of the Realm found favour with the Royal House, are hereby appointed:

Lord Landscape Rosca: Ard Ministir / Prime Minister of the Realm

Lady Pandora Fireguard: Ministir Stat / Minister of State

Lady Ladyheart Janick: Ard Brehon / Chief Justice

Lady Kerus Kasei: Warden of the Realm

Lady Anouk Lefavre: Ard Seanachie / Lord High Scibe and Librarian

Done and ordered this 13 day of the year 2009 after the fae spark in Mí Bealtaine

HRH, Jedediah, High King of Fayandria
HRH, Fayandria, High Queen of Fayandria, Fae Princess of Embersray

More information and clarification to follow.

Unsolved mysteries in the Realm of Fayandria…  

Posted by Anouk Lefavre in

Dear Reader,
I am addressing you again through another editorial of the Quill because a scroll was left today at my desk… a scroll of an unknown source that I below quote:

«The last dragon egg of the Royal line has been moved to Duhallow…
We have dragons we do not know "visiting" the area. Why are they here? Do they intend to settle?
We have poison gas concentrated in Duhallow, now…
We have the Royal Family travelling home unexpectedly… I wander why that is…?
Lord Nax of the Dragons, a minister, has disappeared. What is this all about?
Is the Holy Grail still safe? Where is the Royal Egg?
Lost Gate?»

I must confess I am startled by the message… Is it threat? Or is it a warning?
We urge you all, Fayandrians, to pay attention to every sign and hint, be also aware of strangers… Be very careful and walk only through the pathways and do not travel alone…
The key to solve these mysteries may lie in the simplest things and answers… We need to overcome these ordeals…

With all the good wishes.

Anouk Lefavre

A brief message from the Editor...  

Posted by Anouk Lefavre in

Greetings Dear Reader,

As you must have noticed, the DQ has only been publishing brief news or just trivial notes, for the past few days... No, we have not suspended our activity nor life in our lovely Realm has stopped... None of that has happened.

We are simply giving a step forward... We are preparing a special edition for our in-World first issue. The date will soon be announced and, of course, we will have a party to celebrate it! The team is set and already working on news, articles and tales especially for you!

The wonderful team working to bring the Duhallow Quill to your hands is composed by Anuchis Dibou, Ladyheart Janick, Rendal Constantineau, Nax Sautereau, Landscape Rosca, Buyaah Kazan and myself.
And by you as well, dear reader... If you have an article, news-story or tale you would like to see published in our newspaper, please send it to me through email or notecard.

We also have the classifieds section therefore, if you would like to put an ad of your business or shop contact me or Anuchis Dibou to get further information on the matter as well as our ad rates.

Thank you for your support and for reading our work which is the best reward you can ever give us.
Keep visiting us on http://duhallowquill.blogspot.com for we will always update you on The Realm of Fayandria headline news.

With all the good wishes.

Anouk Lefavre

April’s Citation from Angels  

Posted by Anouk Lefavre in

Dearest Reader,

As you know every week, the DQ publishes a citation from Angels brought to us by Lord Landscape Rosca, our Seraphim. Please find below April’s citations from Angels for it is never excessive to remember such wise sentences.

There are people who observe the rules of honour, as one observes stars, from very far.
Victor Hugo

Haste is the mother of the failure

The best way of killing an artist is surely to give him all which it needs.
Henry Miller

27. April.2009
With money, each one can offer succulent dishes and famous wines, but the courtesy, the kindness are not bought.
Lucien Tendret

Dilah Halostar and Trav Wachter got married yesterday  

Posted by Anouk Lefavre in ,

Dilah Halostar and Trav Wachter exchanged vows yesterday evening. It was a beautiful celebration of Love that gathered the closest friends of the merry couple.
We, at the Duhallow Quill, wish all the happiness for both Dilah and Trav on their marriage; we hope they are the ones from the story that said - Happily Ever After…

«Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of
trouble, attempts what is above its
strength, pleads no excuse of
It is therefore able to undertake all
St. Thomas Aquinas

Duhallow Quill

Founded by Lady Anouk Lefavre and Lord Buyaah Kazan under the auspices of HRH Emperor Jedediah and HRH Empress Fayandria, of the Fayandrian Empire.